Thursday, December 6, 2007

Generation Wave’s Statement for 87th National Day of Burma

This was obtained from Sit Mone's blog. The following is not the translation of Generation Wave’s statement, It is only the blogger’s opinion of the situation of the Military ruled Burma)

Background of Generation Wave

A new generation of activists calling themselves "Generation Wave", came together on October 9. They have begun distributing anti-junta pamphlets and posters in Rangoon, as part of a new effort to revive the spirit of the people's movement of September, which the military junta crushed.

The new group, which operates undercover, have begun distributing posters and pamphlets that carry messages such as 'CNG (Change New Government)', 'FFF (Freedom From Fear)', and 88 generation student leader, now detained, Min Ko Naing's poem titled 'Bah Kah Tah', in crowded places in Rangoon since October 15.

His Analysis of the current political climate of Burma

  • Burmese Generals have no interest in the National Reconciliation (Officially declared the exclusion of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and NLD in the future Burmese Politics)
  • Wishful thinking of China and ASEAN to be actively persuade Generals to the path of Democracy does not materialise.
  • Burmese Generals have shown the world that they have no respect for UN.


They have declared the world that they are the special species in Burma, so that they will continue the policy of modern day Slavery of Burma forever. And they are only afraid of the stick!

On the 87th anniversary of National Day of Burma, only hope of the future of the Burma is in the hand of the Burmese people.

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